Skin Science and Analysis

Knowing your skin type is the very first step in proper skin care. Treatments that work perfectly for one type may be disastrous for another. We are all born with a specific skin type and there is no way to change it in line with our preferences! However, it is definitely possible to maintain a flawless, healthy and glowing complexion no matter which skin type you have. To achieve this, it is important to know which skin type you belong to.
The 5 Skin Types
Your skin falls into one of these five categories- Normal, Oily, Dry, Sensitive and Combination. Each of these has its own unique characteristics that should be factored in before starting any skin treatment regimen. Let’s learn more about each type.
Normal Skin- Normal skin feels elastic and looks vibrant and fresh at all times. People with normal skin should consider themselves very lucky indeed. That’s because this skin type makes for very few or no breakouts, is not too dry or oily and does not have any marks or blemishes. Normal skin does not feel tight or dry with changes in the weather and have very little or no fine lines. The pores are small and quite invisible which means that a little foundation goes a long way.
It is mostly children who have normal skin. This skin type is often described as the ideal one since it is possible to keep it glowing and blemish free with relatively little effort even as your age advances. Normal skin ages best and looks glowing and youthful with little maintenance even as you grow older.
To sum up, normal skin is characterized by these:
Fine, even texture
- Smooth surface
- Small pores which are barely visible
- Good balance between oil and moisture
Dry Skin- In this skin type the pores are very fine. The skin feels tight and dry immediately after cleansing and may even be sensitive for some people. This is because the skin has a lack of sebum (oil). People with this skin type are most prone to developing wrinkles and red patches. The skin is also more likely to feel flaky and to take on an unhealthy appearance because of dead cell buildup. Regular moisturizing, exfoliating and cleansing are a vital part of daily skin care for dry skin.
Dry skin may not cause too many problems at young age but as you grow older, this skin type is likely to show the effects of aging much more prominently than others. Most problems with dry skin occur when the weather is cold. Special care is essential during winter months to avoid flaky skin and rashes
To sum up, dry skin is characterized by these:
Very fine pores
- Dry and dehydrated with parched appearance; may even be sensitive.
- Needs regular moisturizing to stay hydrated and supple
Oily Skin- Oily skin has enlarged pores (think of the skin of an orange) and is prone to developing acne and other skin problems. The over production of oil by the sebaceous glands causes the skin pores to become blocked easily leading to spots as well as other skin blemishes. Oily skin looks greasy especially in certain areas of the face (the T zone). The good news is that the effects of ageing are not very evidently on oily skin. This kind of skin usually looks shiny and sometimes has a dull appearance.
To sum up, oily skin is characterized by these:
Enlarged pores that may be quite visible
- Looks greasy and shiny especially in the T zone
- Appears dull
- Needs frequent cleansing to keep away skin problems
Combination Skin- Skincare experts believe that this is the most common skin type. Patches of dry and oily skin characterize this skin type. The cheeks and the area surrounding the eyes remain dry and oil free. The T zone, (forehead, nose and chin) is oily and greasy. This skin may also have expression lines. The challenge with this skin type is that the oily and dry parts need different kinds of treatment and care.