How to Solution [pii_email_029231e8462fca76041e] Error Code?

What is the mistake [pii_email_029231e8462fca76041e]?
The [pii_email_029231e8462fca76041e] Error Code mistake is related to the STMP server, and it can occur when an outgoing mail server is incorrect. In this case, choose the Tools Menu and check the properties, and also check the SMTP name. You can find the server that needs authentication.
You can authenticate your server by choosing the “My Server” option. Check the “More Settings” option and verify the SMTP port number, and you might need to secure your connection with an SSL as well.
What causes [pii_email_029231e8462fca76041e] Outlook Error?
Some key reasons for [pii_email_029231e8462fca76041e] error could be:
- You have logged in multiple accounts into your system.
- Uncleared cache and cookies could be another reason.
- An outdated version of Outlook could also be the cause of the [pii_email_029231e8462fca76041e] error.
- Mail programs could conflict with your Outlook account.
How to Fix [pii_email_029231e8462fca76041e] Error?
Before you get started, first check your account settings. For this, go to the Tools menu, choose the email account that is showing an error, and select Properties. You need to check if the name of the SMTP server is correct. If the server has an authentication Checkmark in My server, it needs authentication. Next, go to More Settings and check SMTP Port Number that should be the same as the one in FAE. Know if you need a more secure SSL connection.
Method 1: Check the server configuration
As stated above, that [pii_email_029231e8462fca76041e] is related to the SMTP server, and you need to change the port number to solve this issue. Check the following steps:
1. Open panorama of apps and Open document.
2. Next, go to Account Settings and click the Email tab.
3. From the email account list, select the account that is displaying an error.
4. Next, click More Settings and access the internet email settings.
5. Now open the Outgoing Server tab.
6. Explore My Outgoing Server (SMTP) requires authentication and click OK. This will save the configuration.
7. Now click OK and see if the error is resolved.
Method 2: Disable The Antivirus Software
Also, check your antivirus program because it can block your Outlook account, and you need to change the preferences of your antivirus software or disable antivirus.
1. Let’s see how to disable anti-virus so that it does not connect to the email client.
2. Go to Start> Configurations> Update and security> Windows security> Protection against viruses and threats> Manage settings.
3. Here, disable the settings as per the antivirus software you have.
Method 3: Delete duplicate accounts
[pii_email_029231e8462fca76041e] error can occur due to duplicate or multiple accounts that you have. You can check the same by following the below steps:
1. Open your Outlook from the Outlook web application.
2. Click on the ‘account settings’ from the menu.
3. You will have the option of removing multiple accounts. Choose the accounts that you want to remove and click on the Remove Account button. Make sure that you take a backup here because all the data will be deleted while removing the account.
This should improve the speed of your Microsoft Outlook, and in case you still notice the [pii_email_029231e8462fca76041e] error, try the next method.
Method 4: Use Microsoft Automatic Repair Tool
Microsoft has an auto repair tool, and you can use it to detect the issue and probable solutions. Make sure you take the backup of your emails before you use this tool. Follow these steps:
1. Open the control panel.
2. Choose the Programs and Feature tab.
3. Find out the program that is related to this error.
4. Edit the program and features.
5. A new window will open, and you need to select the repair tab.
6. Follow the instructions shown on your screen to solve this issue.
Method 5: Changing Port Number
1. Open panorama> File > Account Settings.
2. From Account Settings, select Email and then click the error account from the list.
3. In the New email account window, go to further settings > Internet Email Settings.
4. Now select the Advanced tab and change the (SMPT) port number from 465 to 587, and click OK
5. Now Restart Outlook and, hopefully, the error should be resolved.
How to Fix Common Outlook Errors?
The most common way to solve Outlook errors is by simply uninstalling your Microsoft Outlook from the “Programs and Feature” option. It will take a few minutes, and you can install Microsoft Outlook’s latest version and may find the problem resolved. You can also try clearing your cache and cookies to solve common outlook issues.
If you are not able to solve the [pii_email_029231e8462fca76041e] error by following the above steps, then you can contact Microsoft for further instructions and their customer service can solve any issue related to your Outlook account.